| 1. | Survey and mapping office training school lands department 测绘处训练学校 |
| 2. | Corporatization of survey and mapping office of lands department 有关地政总署测绘处公司化的事宜 |
| 3. | Corporatization of the survey and mapping office of the lands department 地政总署测绘处公司化计划 |
| 4. | Survey and mapping office enquiry hotline 测绘处询问热线 |
| 5. | Survey and mapping office training school 测绘处训练学校 |
| 6. | The map is produced with reference to maps of the survey and mapping office by permission of the director of land 地图参考地政总署地图,经地政总署准许,版权特许编号512004 。 |
| 7. | The survey and mapping office ( smo ) is responsible for providing land survey services and mapping products to both the public and private sectors 测绘处负责为公营部门及私营机构提供土地测量服务和地图产品。 |
| 8. | It comprises three functional offices , namely , the lands administration office , the legal advisory and conveyancing office and the survey and mapping office 该署设有三个专责事务处,即地政处、法律谘询及田土转易处和测绘处。 |
| 9. | If you are interested in maps and aerial photographs in digital or hardcopy form , you can purchase the products from the survey and mapping office 如想使用数码式地图建立地理信息系统,或是喜爱搜集纸地图及空中照片的朋友,可以在测绘处购买此类产品。 |
| 10. | Using cartographic and survey instrument , staff of the survey and mapping office carry out the production and revision of maps and plans at different scales for different purposes 利用绘图及测量仪器,测绘处的人员专责绘制及更新各种比例的地图以作不同种类的用途。 |